Skills taught:
Fractions, Decimals
Ratios, Percent
Algebraic Expressions
Graphs, Data Analysis
Probability, Geometry
Solving Real World Word Problems

Skills taught:
Fractions, Decimals
Ratios, Percent
Algebraic Expressions
Graphs, Data Analysis
Probability, Geometry
Solving Real World Word Problems

Literary Elements
Prose and Poetry
Writing Conventions
MLA Writing Style
Google Documents
Socratic Discussions
Oral Presentations
Read classic novels from various genres
Decoding skills, vocabulary, and
reading comprehension
Discussion skills through
questioning techniques
Use text to support responses
Literary Elements
Plot, Conflict, Setting, and Character
Argumentative: Supporting an Opinion
Analyzing Character and Point of View
Informative: Comparison-Contrast Essay
Understanding Theme
Narrative: Short Story
Writing, Grammar, and Usage
Parts of speech - noun, adjective, verb, adverb, conjunction, preposition
Prefixes, suffixes
Synonyms, antonyms, homophones
Understand parts of a
paragraph and essay
Gather information from reliable sources
Organize information into a logical sequence
Types of essays - expository, narrative, descriptive, persuasive
Figurative language
Structure, Sound Devices, Imagery
Different types of poems
Write original poetry
Literary Elements
Plot, Conflict, Setting, and Character
Argumentative: Supporting an Opinion
Analyzing Character and Point of View
Informative: Comparison-Contrast Essay
Understanding Theme
Narrative: Short Story
Language and Culture
Mood, Tone, and Style
Informative: Literary Analysis
Myths, Legends, and Tales
Characteristics & Cultural Values of
Traditional & Classical Literature
Biographies and Autobiographies
Personal Narrative
Information, Argument, and Persuasion
Text Features, Graphical Aids
Main Ideas, Supporting Details
Argument: Persuasive Essay
Evaluating Source
Informative: Research Paper
Students are required to bring a laptop computer to class. We use Google for gmail, online research and resources, and google docs for writing and editing essays. Students are not required to be proficient with Google apps; they will learn how to use them in class.