Skills taught:
Fractions, Decimals
Ratios, Percent
Algebraic Expressions
Graphs, Data Analysis
Probability, Geometry
Solving Real World Word Problems

Skills taught:
Fractions, Decimals
Ratios, Percent
Algebraic Expressions
Graphs, Data Analysis
Probability, Geometry
Solving Real World Word Problems

Welcome to SPARK Hybrid Education Center in Naples!
SPARK stands for Students Pursuing Advanced Reasoning & Knowledge
SPARK is a 3-day a week hybrid education program providing classes in Math, Science, Language Arts, & Social Studies in Naples, Florida.
Our Mission: To equip students with the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and work habits that instill a sense of responsibility for their education and a passion for lifelong learning.


Lauren, parent
Spark has been the best middle school experience I could have asked for my kids. Darlene and Nolan CARE about the kids who come through their program. They teach in a dynamic way that covers all the baselines while diving deeper than traditional educational models. We had so much stimulating car conversation because they address relevant emerging topics in culture, politics, economics, science, art and more. We have loved how Spark cultivates a culture of honor by encouraging kids to respect each other and verbally honor the good things they see in their classmates. My kids have grown tremendously as writers, critical thinkers, and entrepreneurs for being under their instruction. There is no replacement for having teachers who believe in you AND challenge you to see just how far you can go. Our family is beyond grateful to have found Spark!
Angelique, parent
My kids have never been happier! If you have gifted or advanced students, SPARK could be a great fit. It is the most academically challenging environment I’ve found in Naples. Classes are divided up based on ability, not age. Great group of bright, engaged, well-behaved, and academically focused kids. Exceptional teachers get students excited to learn while encouraging intelligent and relevant conversations in the classroom. Special projects (like debates, science experiments, writing competitions, immersive presentations) and field trips enhance the classroom experience. Communication is wide-open so we know exactly what the students are learning on a daily basis and more in depth on a weekly basis. Personally, I also appreciate that there are no political or religious leanings at this school. I highly recommend this program if you have a gifted or very high achieving student who is up for an academic challenge!
Leo, student
SPARK is an awesome school and I look forward to coming to school every day. In SPARK, students enhance presenting skills, do all kinds of science experiments, and get moved up to algebra when they are ready even though they’re in 4th or 5th grade! The students also have time to stretch and run around outside between classes for five minutes to keep their brains going. Mr. Nolan and Mrs. Darlene are great teachers because they always find a way to include everyone. Students can also compete in friendly activities from making alliances and collecting points for answering questions right in social studies, to seeing who can keep a volleyball in the air for the longest on field day. Most people might think that if you’re smart, you’re boring, but that’s not true for kids at SPARK. The kids are super smart in class, but fun to play with during breaks.

What students say about SPARK
SPARK is flexible and challenging; they teach at your level and mix learning with fun.
If you don’t understand something, they will explain it to you.
Teachers don’t cram information; they allow us to process, think, and really learn.
Kids are kind; no bullying allowed.
It's closer knit with fewer students, I love it, it's like a second home.
The people here are very uplifting, it's an atmosphere of kindness and happiness.
Other teachers have to follow this one curriculum... step...pattern; but you have created a foundation of something bigger with a lot of different people and variety because nobody really learns exactly the same.
At my other school, a teacher called my friend by her assigned 4-digit number because she couldn’t remember her name, that is not okay. Nobody calls me a number here.
In a lot of schools, it’s more like a factory; you manufacture every kid to do the math the way that the school says, this is the curriculum, this is how you have to do it, if you do it any other way, even if you get the right answer, you have to do it the way we want you to.
You adapt to everyone’s different learning styles and that makes it a safe spot for anyone who just wants to learn.
SPARK Program Grades 6-8
Contact: Darlene Thiele
3100 Bailey Lane
Naples, FL 34105

For students in kindergarten to 5th grade, we have a program called Sparkles: https://sparklesofswfl.com/. SPARK and Sparkles share the same building and have monthly Buddy Days.
Sparkles Program K-Grade 5
Contact: Olivia Morell
3100 Bailey Lane
Naples, FL 34105